Want to Attend an ACAHL-Accredited Institution?
Students who attend ACAHL-accredited institutions do more than get prepared for the workforce; but they are equipped with the resources and network to become business owners that solve community problems, change agents, and impactful community leaders.
Due to high demand of ACAHL-Accredited institutions, please complete the ACAHL-accreditation waiting list and you will be notified when an institution becomes open for enrollment.
STEP 1: Complete the waiting list to attend an ACAHL-Accredited College: WAITING LIST
STEP 2: Receive a call from an ACAHL Admissions director when an ACAHL-Accredited Institution that fits your needs opens for enrollment
STEP 3: Work with an admissions director to Apply with the Institution of your choice
STEP 4: Receive Financial Aid Assistance to began schooling
STEP 5: Attend an institution that prepares you to create your dream business, make savy financial investments, complete externships, and become an impactful community leader.