Become an ACAHL- accredited School

Empowering limitless student potential and institutional growth.

yellow and green umbrella on brown wooden stool
yellow and green umbrella on brown wooden stool
Accrediting Standards

To gain or maintain accreditation with The Accrediting Commission of Applied Higher Learning, an institution must apply with the standards contained in the The Standards of Accreditation: Foundations of Applied Learning

ACAHL applies its standards to all applicants, candidates, and member institutions, regardless of the type of institution. (public, private, for-profit

The total new application fees will not exceed $12,000

Steps to Accreditation

STEP 1: Complete Application Inquiry Form

STEP 2: Receive Invitation to Apply for Accreditation

STEP 3: Complete Application and Submit Fees (Review Fee Form Here)

STEP 4: Complete On-Site Visits

STEP 5: Wait for Application Review Period (4- 6 month Review Period)

STEP 6: Become an ACAHL- accredited institution to set your institution a part

Overview of Accreditation Standards

We integrate traditional education standards with applicable, real-life experiences.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk
Basic Eligibility Standard

Each institution must have a degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agency, offers all coursework required for at least one degree program, is in operation and has students enrolled in degree programs

a man standing on a set of stairs
a man standing on a set of stairs
Governing Board Standard

Each institution must have a governing board of at least three board members.

man writing on paper in front of DSLR
man writing on paper in front of DSLR
Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table
Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table
Qualified Faculty

Effective faculty members are critical to carry the mission of the institution. Each faculty member must have the appropriate degrees or applicable life-experiences for the courses they instruct

Continuous Quality Improvement

Each institution must engage in ongoing, integrated research-based planning and evaluation process that focuses on institutional quality, a systematic review of the institutions' goals

Each institution awards core or an elective course credits for community engagement activities

Each institution awards alternative course credit for exceptional experiences completed outside of the classroom. For example, if a student starts a business, creates a non-profit, becomes a community leader, makes an investment from the education from school, the student will have an opportunity to earn course credit.

Community Service Engagement
Applied Learning Integration

Each institution makes the availability of effective course catalogs to every student

Each institution must provide appropriate academic and student support programs, services and activities consistent with its mission

Educational Policies, Procedures, and Practices
Academic and Student Support Services
man writing on paper in front of DSLR
man writing on paper in front of DSLR

Each institution has sound financial resources and a demonstrated, stable financial base to support its mission

Each institution accurately represents its accreditation status.

Financial and Physical Resources
Transparency and Institutional Recognition

The integration of education with life experiences truly unleashed my potential, thanks to this agency's support.

Tim Fields

person wearing brown and white watch
person wearing brown and white watch
red book with purple click pen
red book with purple click pen
